
Area of Expertise

Financial Services




The Problem

Covéa Insurance found their home within the historic embrace of Dean Clough in Halifax - a mesmerising testament to 19th-century architectural grandeur. But among the thick walls, and exposed beams and bricks of industrial Britain, Covéa found wireless connectivity to be a real issue. 

While previously favouring fixed desktop connections, the pandemic catalysed a transition to remote work, necessitating reliable connectivity and Wi-Fi accessibility. The shift in work dynamics post-pandemic demanded a reimagining of their network. But moreover, people do, and should, expect reliable WiFi at work – it's that simple. 

The return to the office unveiled connectivity challenges within the thick-walled structure, prompting staff to resort to makeshift solutions like tethering laptops to mobile phones. Covéa Insurance sought a robust, forward-thinking Wi-Fi solution that aligned with their evolving work culture and empowered their IT team with enhanced control and visibility across the network. 

The Solution

Understanding Covéa Insurance's requirements, we determined a strategy for the procurement and implementation of an AI-driven solution that promised agility, scalability, and insightful support. During the procurement process, we ran a competitive tender and helped Covéa score each vendor against criteria that determined who showed the most potential for innovation. Following this, Axians were chosen as the optimal matchup for this project. For every client, we procure suppliers based on finding the best possible service for their organisation personally, guiding their decision. 

The heart of the solution laid in the integration of cutting-edge technology. The AI-driven network not only ensured high availability and stability but also paved the way for a Wi-Fi 6-enabled environment. The tender was about evaluating who offered the most optimal transformation to enable the Covéa team to access wireless connectivity, flexibility and improved user experience within the Victorian Mill's challenging infrastructure. Drawing upon StableLogic’s expertise, Covéa were able to make this decision with a stronger knowledge base. 

Central to the success of this initiative was the collaborative spirit that permeated every phase. StableLogic, Axians, Actemium, and Covéa Insurance operated as a unified force, leveraging collective expertise and resources. To ensure minimal disruption, our dedicated team, including Actemium experts, worked consistently over the installation period. StableLogic guided the implementation process as an architect on behalf of Covéa. 

This synergy ensured a holistic approach to problem-solving, addressing technical challenges while respecting the historical significance of the building. 

The tender was about evaluating who offered the most optimal transformation to enable the Covéa team to access wireless connectivity, flexibility and improved user experience within the Victorian Mill's challenging infrastructure. Drawing upon StableLogic’s expertise, Covéa were able to make this decision with a stronger knowledge base."


The deployment didn't just end with enhanced connectivity; it marked the beginning of a data-driven era for Covéa Insurance. The advanced analytics capability introduced comprehensive insights into network performance. This empowered the IT team to proactively manage issues, predict trends, and plan for future enhancements, ensuring a robust and future-proof infrastructure. 

Beyond the technical deployment, StableLogic's commitment to providing comprehensive support was instrumental. Our responsiveness extended beyond the defined scope, offering guidance and assistance whenever required. This proactive engagement fostered a relationship built on trust, where client needs were met with agility and expertise. 

A Smooth Transition

In addition to the technological advancements, StableLogic emphasised the human element. User experience was at the forefront of the transformation. By mitigating connectivity issues and enhancing network stability, the workforce experienced a seamless transition, boosting productivity, and fostering a positive work environment. 

StableLogic remained close-by to ensure a smooth transition to the managed service. Our work is not done until the client is seeing their objectives realised. 

Ensuring Future Success 

StableLogic’s work with Covéa is not just about transforming networks; it's about providing the tools that businesses need to thrive in an increasingly connected world. 

StableLogic's partnership with Covéa Insurance exemplifies our dedication to leveraging technology, fostering collaboration, and prioritising client satisfaction. The journey toward network modernisation isn't just a one-time endeavour; it's a continuous evolution, and we're poised to lead the way. 

StableLogic remains committed to driving innovation, enhancing connectivity, and empowering businesses to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape seamlessly. Our passion for transformative solutions ensures that every client's journey toward network modernisation is a resounding success, just like Covéa Insurance's triumphant transformation. 


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