For Suppliers

& Vendors

Information for Suppliers and Vendors

This page is for suppliers and vendors who are interested in promoting their products and services to StableLogic and to our clients.

As an independent consultancy, we have no preferred products or suppliers. Our commitment to impartiality means we will always consider a variety of suppliers, including those we are not as familiar with. 

We advise clients on both products and potential suppliers and therefore work closely with many suppliers in the industry.

Inform StableLogic of your products and services

To advise StableLogic of your products and services, simply email and include your: 

  • Company name
  • Contact details
  • Company overview (size, employees, locations)
  • A brief summary of your products and services
  • A case study, and
  • Why our clients should consider you

Many suppliers contact us every day. Unfortunately, we are unable to meet with every supplier who contacts us, but we promise to review your information and to keep it for future client requirements.

Please be assured that we will treat you professionally and any information you send across will be considered confidential.

Please email these details to We look forward to hearing from you.

About StableLogic

We are headquartered in London with global offices in Boston, USA and Copenhagen. We work with a variety of clients including public sector, national and multinational organisation. We advise clients on which products and services to use. We manage procurements worth hundreds of millions per year.

Our Procurement Principals

Trust between clients, suppliers and consultants is important to us. We always adopt the following principals when running a procurement process.

Budget: We don’t run a procurement unless the client has a budget

Competition: We don’t run a procurement just to “beat up” an incumbent

Open: We don’t play favourites – a vendor has an equal chance of winning each bid, even if they won the last one

Debrief: We always offer feedback

Objective: We follow a transparent and objective process

Supplier FAQs

Do StableLogic take a commission?

StableLogic do not take any payment, introduction fee or other commission from suppliers. Our sole source of income is from our clients. This is a very strict aspect of our code of ethics.

Following a procurement process, all contracts for products or services are directly between our clients and the supplier.  StableLogic do not act as a re-seller or other type of partner.

I have not worked with StableLogic before, do I stand a chance of winning?

Absolutely. We follow a completely objective scoring process and new suppliers have just as much a chance of winning as any supplier we have worked with before.

That said, our clients have high expectations of both the services they purchase and the quality of their suppliers. You will need to prove, with evidence, that you can meet their standards.

How many procurements do StableLogic run?

This varies depending on client workload and time of year, but we typically issue an RFP/tender every three weeks.

What sort of clients do StableLogic work for?

Our client base is very diverse and ranges from medium sized businesses to large multinationals.  The procurements that StableLogic manage vary from local mobile contracts to global outsource services worth tens of millions.

My business only operates in one country. Am I too small to be considered?

Not at all. Many of our clients only operate in one country.  We work with both medium and large organisations.

We are interested in the capabilities of your products and services and how your company is different.

What do StableLogic look for in a supplier?

Our clients ultimately choose which products and services to purchase, and from which suppliers.  At StableLogic, we facilitate the process and propose suppliers our clients may not have considered before.

In any supplier, we are looking for the following:

  • High Quality: If we are going to recommend a supplier, we must be absolutely confident they will deliver a high quality outcome.
  • Professional: Some procurements you win, and some you lose.  We expect suppliers to always act professionally.
  • Unique: Where possible, we seek innovative suppliers who do things differently or have a unique proposition.
  • Cost Effective: Clients are always concerned about cost.
How do I become a preferred supplier?

We do not have any preferred suppliers or lists of preferred suppliers, but we do maintain a database of potential suppliers for our clients.

For details on how to share your services with us, please refer to the information above these FAQs.

How do you deal with corruption and bribery?

Like all professional organisations we have very strict anti-corruption and bribery rules.

Can I advertise my recruitment, marketing, SEO or other services to StableLogic?

We do not use any of these services and kindly request that you do not solicit your services to us. Thank you for your understanding.